Tuesday, 18. June 2002

Softy Walter is a skank. A permanent skank. End of story. I am not even willing to discuss this further. He has dedicated his life to eeevvviiilll. He made everybody do this MASSIVE worksheet with 35 pretty tough questions, and if we didn't finish, he threatened to keep us in at lunch. Ditzy Airhead made us do some reaaallly boring graph thing about rivers. :( Even Lady Oranges made us do revision work. Meanies. It's not our fault that there are exams next week! Speaking of which, I should be revising. Ah well. I'll do some Maths revision *sweats* I HATE EXAMS!!! Pongo to tests! My friends all seem to secretly have annoyances with each other. Limpet has fallen under heavy criticism lately. That is a temporary nickname. For *whisper noises*. We had a mean ole supply for French, and she yelled at everybody if we talked at all, which was frustrating, as we were doing spoken work. Mr Pink was as boring as he ever was, although people say he will retire soon - possibly at the end of this term. Yaaay! No more Latin! Oh damn. Who will be his...replacement??? Gaaaaaack! Oh well, nobody could be worse. Except possibly Count Olaf. Heehee. Soon I will buy the Ersatz Elevator, and then my collection will be complete. Until the next book comes out. Ah well, you can't have everything in life *sigh*. Oh Yeah! But you can have a French Exchange trip in November!!! Yaaaaaay! November...and then April. I go in November to Lille, and in April, the person who I write to and go to stay with in November will come stay with my family and me in April. I'm all excited. Mary is going, and possibly Naomi, although that is doubtful. Anyway, more sometime later, bye!

Bored...do stuff now.
I just did a nice quiz.

I'm Delirium!
Which Member of the Endless Are You?

I like Delirium. Death is interesting, but Delirium is nicely different.

... Link

Monday, 17. June 2002
Maths is evil!

I HATE MATHS! Or, more specifically, I hate my stupid maths teacher. He looks like Softy Walter from the Beano. He -acts- like Softy Walter from the Beano. He gave us easy work in the lesson and then three really tough questions (at least they look tough-I haven't ried them yet xp) on the same subject for homework. He is eeevil! What with Softy Walter, Ditzy Airhead and Madame Coughalot, I don't know how I'll survive til the end of the week, let alone past (get it - past/passed ?) the dumb old exams! Geez. Anyway, to coin a phrase: Keep the hell away from my shed.

... Link

Sunday, 16. June 2002
Looong quiz!

Man this took a while!

Have you ever…
*Eaten Sushi?: Nope.
*Been on stage?: Like professionally? No. School plays and stuff are my limit…
*Been dumped?: Nope!
*Dumped someone?: Nope!
*Hiked a mountain?: No. And I don’t really want to -hike- a mountain.
*Stayed home on a Saturday night just because?: Yeah. All the time…what kind of weird question is that?
*Made homemade cookies?: Define "homemade"… Nah, course I have!
*Been in love?: Not really.
*Seen the White House?: Yeah. On tv.

Either / Or
*Cold / Hot?: Hot!
*Blue / Red?: Blue.
*New / Old?: Old.
*Rain / Snow?: Snow! For snowballs, snowmen, and sledding!
*Give / Receive?: Both!
*Wool / Cotton?: Cotton.
*Daisies / Roses?: Roses.
*Chocolate Milk / Plain Milk?: I hate chocolate milk! Plain! Plain!
*Celsius / Fahrenheit?: Celsius. I like the word Fahrenheit more, though.
*Spring / Autumn?: Autumn. Crunchy leaves and warm weather.
*History / Science?: History! Like stories.
*Math / English?: English! Maths = eeevil!
*Alternative / Country?: Alternative.

Your Friends..
*Do you have a best friend?: Yup.
*Who makes you laugh the most?: Changes daily. Usually Jonathan.
*Who do you E-mail the most?: Everybody!
*Who's the meanest?: *whispernamewhisper*
*Who's the loudest?: *whispernamewhisper*
*Who's the shyest?: Me, Hannah, or Mary.
*Who's parents do you know the best?: o__O I know my friends, not their parents!
*Who has the best room?: I ‘unno. Meee!

Within the last 24 hours..
*Had a serious talk?: Not really.
*Hugged someone?: Yeah! J
*Get along with your parents?: Yes! J
*Fought with a friend?: No. That was in the last week, more like.

Do you like to…
*Give hugs?: Yes. When I want to, though.
*Give back rubs?: x___X Nooooo.
*Take walks in the rain?: As long as it’s not bucketing. I remember that great bit in "Singin’ in the Rain".
*If you got a tattoo, what and where?: Heehee! Ummmm, probably a little tiny rose on my ankle.
*You ever have that falling dream?: Yeah. It’s creepy, when I get that dream I always kick one of my feet and it wakes me up. It’s like a warning signal not to land!
*What was the last CD you bought?: L I can’t remember weird stuff like that!L
*If you chew gum, what kind?: Spearmint Extra.
*Do you use chopsticks?: Yeh! Love ‘em!

What if…
*If you could be anybody, who would you be?: Me! Only me!
*If you could have dinner with anyone famous, dead or alive, who would it be?: Queen Elizabeth I
*If you could own any car?: Electric blue Mini Beetle!
*If you could have one wish come true right now, what would it be?: To have telekinesis or to fly!
*Standard or Automatic?: Huh?
*If you could live anywhere, where would you live?: Here. I like it here. Or maybe in France…
*If you could go anywhere in the world for a week right now, where? Japan. Not JUST for the football!

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